


Why do people go to a Psychotherapist?

The term psychotherapist is often used interchangeably with psychologist, counselor, and therapist to describe a mental health professional working with clients to improve the quality of their lives, including their relationships, personal issues, and mental health issues.

When working with a therapist, a person is helped to uncover the source of their anxiety, stress, pain, resentment, frustration, etc. The therapist helps the person determine the goals they wish to achieve through the course of counseling and helps them set in motion a plan to create and maintain positive change in their lives. As the therapeutic relationship between the person and the therapist grows, core issues will come into focus, helping the person resolve, rather than put a Band-Aid on their symptoms.

The overarching goal of psychotherapy is for the client to be able to cope with and resolve their struggles on their own so they no longer need therapy. In order to reach this goal, both the client and therapist must work together to uncover the root of the issues and come up with realistic solutions that can be put into practice.

What issues can psychotherapy help me with?

The counseling services provided by our therapists help clients with issues such as self-esteem, managing periods of depression, periodic and ongoing anxiety concerns as well as a host of other issues.

Our therapists are also skilled at helping and supporting clients with a number of “un-diagnosable” concerns, including relationship stress or marital conflict, difficulty with dating, infidelity, trust issues, commitment issues, money stress, dealing with breakups, separation, and divorce, and many others. They also specialize in areas like alcohol and drug addiction, trauma, and eating disorders.

Because counselors have a great understanding of the human condition, they can help anyone wanting to make a change in their life, deal with their troubles, heal old wounds, or even uncover the reasons behind what is happening in their life.

What happens when you see a therapist?

Don’t be nervous, be informed!

If a person has never been to counseling in Dubai before, they may have a lot of questions, thoughts, and fantasies about what happens in the sessions or what is expected of them. Generally, during the counseling sessions, the therapist operates as a guide to help clients talk about what is on their mind. Clients should expect a therapist to ask them questions and encourage them to talk so they can delve more deeply into their issues. A therapist serves as a non-judgmental voice to help clients deal with and resolve emotional concerns.

A therapist’s role is to help a person develop awareness into their sadness, anxiety, frustration, etc. Insights that a person makes with the help of their therapist will allow them to make changes and will help them find a resolution to the issues they may be facing. Importantly, our therapists operate with strict confidentiality: what is discussed in sessions remains in the therapy room, unless there is a threat to someone’s safety.

Our therapist will typically schedule 50-minute sessions with clients on a regular basis. Most commonly, sessions take place once a week, but can also be every other week or once a month.

Experienced psychotherapist in Dubai who you can trust

Many people worry they will be judged if they speak honestly and openly about themselves to another person. However, a good therapist knows that we all are how we are for good reasons; a good therapist does not judge, but is more likely to be amazed that you have coped so well given what you have experienced. Our therapists are not here to pass judgment because they know the world is full of hurt people who often have not had the help to heal their wounds. You can safely put your trust in them to help you get where you want to be.

Contact us at +971-58-557-6220 and let us know how we can help you. You can also email us at or drop us a line using our online contact form. Our dedicated staff is available to address your concerns and inquiries.