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emotional health center dubai

Welcome to ClearMinds Psychotherapy Center

ClearMinds is a Dubai-based psychotherapy, counseling, and assessment center committed to deeply engaging with clients and their families. Our approach is rooted in empathy and understanding, focusing on being an integral part of each client's journey towards growth and transformation. We take pride in witnessing the progressive happiness and strengthening of our clients and their families. Our core belief is that with appropriate support, everyone can achieve happiness and lead a fulfilling life.

For Adults
Do you ever wish your life was more fulfilling? Do you ever feel too overwhelmed to deal with issues you’re facing? If so, you aren't alone. Even though not often openly discussed, mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression are extremely common. If you are experiencing significant anxiety or debilitating sadness, therapy can help you.
Struggles that therapy can help with:
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) | Insight-Oriented Psychotherapy | Attachment-based Psychotherapy | Psychodynamic Psychotherapy | Existential Psychotherapy | Narrative Psychotherapy | Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Anxiety and Persistent Worry | Anger | Alcohol and Substance Abuse/Addiction | Body Image and Self Esteem Problems | Depression, Sadness, or General Unhappiness | Eating Disorders | Grief, Loss, & Bereavement | General Life Dissatisfaction​ | Low Self Esteem & Self Confidence | Marital, Romantic, and Peer Relationship Problems | Self-Harm Behaviors | Sexual Addiction | Suicidal Thoughts | Social Difficulties | Stress Related Problems | Trauma
Types of Therapy Used:
For Children
Many times, children face emotional, behavioral or academic struggles that can be tough for parents to understand or help with. A child behavior specialist can help parents understand if these challenges are a normal part of growing up or if they are more serious, requiring direct interventions from a child psychologist.
​Anxiety and Persistent Worry | Attention Problems | Anger and Aggression | Abuse |
Behavioral Problems | Bullying | Depression & Sadness | Fearfulness, Nightmares, Bed-wetting | Grief, Loss, & Bereavement | Parent-Child | Relationship Problems | Separation Anxiety | Sexualized behaviors | School Anxiety & School Refusal | Social Difficulties | Shyness | Trauma |
Types of Therapy Used: Psycho-dynamic Play Therapy | Child-Centered Play Therapy | Structured/Directive Play Therapy | Cognitive- Behavioral Play Therapy | Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) | Attachment-Based Parent Training
Benefits of Consulting with a Child Psychologist
Our team has one of the best child psychologists trained in play therapy. She helps children struggling with:
For Teens
Teenagers may experience several challenges in their lives. For example, they may have difficulties with their parents, difficulties with their friends, troubles at home, academic difficulties.

It is not always easy for them to put in words what is bothering them. It may be because they don't really understand how they feel or they don't even know why they feel the way they do. Because children and teens may not be aware, they can act out with behavioral problems or other symptoms.

In therapy, teenagers can find a safe place to talk, in confidence, about their worries, insecurities, and struggles. Even though many teenagers are initially resistant or hesitant to coming to therapy, after experiencing that the therapy room is a non-judgmental and private space for them to be themselves, they end up wanting to come frequently.
Struggles dealt with:
Anxiety and Persistent Worry | Attention Problems | Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Anger and Aggression | Abuse | Body Image and Self Esteem Problems | Behavioral Problems | Bullying | Depression, Sadness, or General Unhappiness | Grief, Loss, & Bereavement | Parent-Child Relationship Problems | Separation Anxiety | School Refusal | Self Harm | Suicidal Thoughts | Social Difficulties | Stress Related Problems | Trauma
For Parents
Knowing whether or not your child or teen needs therapy can be a tough question for many parents. This is a question that plagues many parents. To answer it, you can objectively assess your child's needs.

First- Identify an area of concern, such as:
Fears | Anxiety | Bedwetting | Self-esteem issues | School problems | Bullying | Extreme Perfectionism | Shyness | Aggressive behavior | Inattentiveness | Sadness | Nightmares | Sexualized behaviors

Second- Ask yourself the following questions:

- How often does the behavior of concern occur?
Several times a month | Once a week | Several times a week | Daily

- How long does this behavior last once it has started?
10 to 20 min | 20 to 60 min | More than an hour | On and off all day | Nonstop

- Do others the same age act this way?

- What will happen to my child if my child doesn't receive help?

Many times, children grow out of difficulties on their own, either over days, weeks, or maybe months. Other times, though, these difficulties can turn into larger problems and impact how others see the child and impact how the child feels about and sees himself/herself.

For Example:
A child may have difficulty controlling his anger and expressing his feelings when he is in a new setting, such as a new classroom or with a new teacher or new school. This behavior may improve after a week or so as the child adjusts to the new environment. However, the behavior may also develop into something bigger and may not improve on its own. The child may develop reputation for being a troublemaker. His behavior may affect his ability to make and keep friends. Ultimately, the initial problem may make him feel worthless and unlikable.
In parent training sessions, our child psychologist will work alone with parents to help them:
- Understand and manage their children’s behavior
- Learn strategies to support their children through life or family circumstances
- Learn ways implement discipline and structure in the home.
These sessions are based on positive parenting and attachment parenting frameworks.
When Do Parents need Help from a Psychologist?
What Happens in Parent Training Sessions?



Professionals like psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, and therapists are often perceived similarly, yet each brings a unique approach to enhancing your life. Our team, consisting of top psychologists and counselors in Dubai, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for our clients by addressing a range of issues, including relationship dynamics, personal challenges, and mental health concerns.

Embarking on Your Journey to Healing

Seeking therapy or counseling, whether in Dubai or elsewhere, can initially seem overwhelming. At our esteemed psychology center in Dubai, we are committed to making this experience less intimidating and more empowering. Our team is here to address all your questions and guide you toward enhanced well-being, happiness, and resilience.

Collaborative and Empathetic Approach to Therapy

In sessions with our psychologists, clients explore the roots of complex emotions like anxiety, stress, pain, resentment, and frustration. We work together to set therapeutic goals and develop a strategy for positive, lasting change. As the therapeutic relationship deepens, more profound issues are uncovered and addressed, moving beyond mere symptom management.

Empowering You for Lasting Change

The ultimate goal of psychotherapy is to enable clients to manage and resolve their issues independently, making continued therapy unnecessary. This journey requires a collaborative effort between you and your therapist in Dubai to uncover the core reasons behind your challenges and to create practical, effective solutions.

Your Sanctuary for Growth and Healing

As a licensed and accredited psychology center in Dubai, we are devoted to offering comprehensive assessment and therapy services in a supportive and caring atmosphere. Our focus is on nurturing your journey towards healing and personal growth, guiding you towards a life that is both more satisfying and balanced.


“In a short period of time, my teenage son seems happier and more at ease. We tried many Dubai therapists before, but he never saw the point of seeing them. But with Nayla, things are different. When he walks through the door after seeing her, he seems lighter somehow, less burdened. The whole house can feel it. Our relationship has become smoother and more loving during a very turbulent time in his life.”
Mother of Teenage Client

“We came to see Dr Nayla after 8 months struggling with our son’s tics, anxiety, and nightmares. Dr Nayla helped us understand him and how to deal with his tantrums and fears. She is still working with us on building his internal sense of safety and confidence. She is teaching us many techniques that, to our surprise, are working. It turned out every single piece of advice she gave us brought us one step closer to relieving my son’s anxiety. After even a few weeks of seeing Dr. Nayla I can say that our family became peaceful again."

Mother of Young Client

“I can highly recommend Nayla as specialized psychologist for kids. She has been supporting my 11 years old child navigate through the divorce by supporting him understanding better his emotions. Nayla clearly demonstrated a strong knowledge and method with kids.”

Mother of Client

“The feel at ClearMinds is cozy and warm; it feels as though I am sitting in my own living room.” 


“My experience at ClearMinds was one of non-judgement, offering clarity to my thinking, helping me understand my feelings and guiding me towards a general sense of well-being.”




Everyone has the Potential to Thrive!